Welcome to Mecha Invasion Squad: Landing At Valsim aka M.I.S.L.A.V.
This game is made for the limit jam.

Best played in full screen

Left mouse click to click on cards and place towers.
Upgrades like speed, slow, radius can be placed on towers
Right click to deselect a card
Click on "Next wave" to get the next wave of enemies

Each card has a certain amount of energy to use it

Music is royalty free music, not our creation

Created by AkumiOnBass and Rhynn


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Very nice Tower Defense.

One thing that could have been a little clearer would've been the start and end point of the wave. The system wasn't clear at first but after the second wave I was already familiar with how it worked.

I think the music is fitting, although it's too bad you didn't create it. :p

Good job!